View Full Version : New dog.....

15-04-10, 11:48 AM
Well had a dog now for two months(thats how long it's been since had time to post in ernest) and he's great. His name is Merlin and he's a Rohdesion Ridgeback. He's now 4 months old and growing every day. As long as it can get in his mouth he will chew it. Bloody nitemare.lol. Anyway i've put a couple of pics below. First one is not long after we got him at 8 weeks old and the other one is more recent.

8 weeks


4 months



15-04-10, 12:00 PM
Hi Murray,

One of my uncles had a Ridge back, 20 odd years ago, think it was one of the first over here, (thats what he told us any way), Great dog, soft as anything but very strong also grows a bit more than your one is now!!


15-04-10, 12:04 PM
LOL. Yeah have edited the post peter. Should be the right one now. He's going to be massive. You can see the size difference from the first pic to the second all in 2 months.

15-04-10, 12:11 PM
The uncle was into big dogs, he had Great Danes, Ridgebacks, looking at his paws gives you an idea that he will be a big dog.

Dont let him in the Bmw and leave him, or he will chew all that leather up!!!!


15-04-10, 12:20 PM
Lovely Murray! He'll be a big boy for sure. Our two Dalmatians are growing up fast, scary how quick they do grow.

15-04-10, 02:20 PM
looks just like a load of skin in the first pic, and 'proper' proportions i nthe 2nd one.... even if it does look like he is twice the size of his bed now...

I remember when our cats were kittens, used to be able to pick each one up with one hands, and there belly's were only as wide as my palm....

15-04-10, 08:18 PM
He is a beutiful boy and really good natured. Is very much a people dog which is good as i don't want him to be nervous around humans.

15-04-10, 08:46 PM
That's good Murray, make sure the wee one is also socialised with other dogs too. Our little girl Daisy is still nervous around other dogs even though she was always around them as soon as we get her home. It's the way she is unfortunately, the old boy Oreo is fine, he's always saying hello to other dogs and loves people!

Only just got through the 'in season' bit, that was hell!