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09-05-10, 03:42 PM
Thought I was doing well this week..started a few mods on the latest Zed then get an e-mail from my mate don in yorkshire telling me he has bought another car to run about in after getting fed up of his Mondeo!!!!!


suppost thats what happens when you have no body to spend your money on but you!!!!

09-05-10, 03:50 PM
I think you just got owned!! :P

I know how you feel though. I'm very junior in a company where people can earn £200k+ a year. There's always new tasty metal in the car park! And yet the zed has attracted a fair bit of interest :)

09-05-10, 03:50 PM
Yeah .... not bad.

09-05-10, 05:57 PM
hmm - i would buy one, but then i would have to move into it and live there.. dont think it would remain nice for long - esp if i tried to shower in it :laugh:

09-05-10, 06:41 PM
A real mate will toss you the keys! :D

09-05-10, 08:43 PM
A real mate will toss you the keys! :D

lets hope so he is up on a visit soon!!!!

10-05-10, 08:44 AM
suppost thats what happens when you have no body to spend your money on but you!!!!

That is (soon to be 'was') me and i never could do it...

Dave ZS-X
10-05-10, 03:29 PM
lmao, at work today we were sat in the van having our lunch and an aa lorry came up the hill towards us and guess what kind of car was on the back of it ....ill give you a clue , see pic in first post, lol

10-05-10, 03:52 PM
A real mate will toss you the keys! :D

Glad you said keys and not off lol :D