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View Full Version : Auto Express offer I was told about...

26-01-11, 05:42 PM

?1 for six months and a free 26 piece tool kit (probably not particularly good but FREE!)

I assume just before six months is up you cancel the subscription?

26-01-11, 06:37 PM
Saves blocking the aisle in ASDA's having a read.


26-01-11, 08:46 PM
i think i've seen those tool kits, in the pound shop.

26-01-11, 08:49 PM
Propping up one of the legs of a counter I suspect.


27-01-11, 06:52 AM
[url]I assume just before six months is up you cancel the subscription?

Since it say's

Claiming 6 issues for ?1 in no way obliges you to continue with your subscription. If you decide Auto Express isn?t for you, simply cancel within your 6-issue introductory period and no further money will be debited from your account. The 6 issues for ?1 and FREE 26 piece toolkit are yours to keep, whatever you decide.

I assume your right ;)

03-03-11, 03:16 PM
Not bad for free!

03-03-11, 04:04 PM
I still have one of these kits from the last time they did the offer!

What i was doing was getting a 6month subscription with free gift for a quid, then canceling, then taking out another one with a free gift but sending it to my work address LOL

In the end i got bored with the endless crapy "exclusive" photoshops they were passing off as new models, so i stopped all together.

03-03-11, 10:15 PM
i think they are now offering a battery charger and 6 issues for a ?1