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View Full Version : Foursquare

12-03-12, 06:45 AM
Are any of you on this? I have just become part of this. Kind of get the impression that's its based on a check in process. For example, if you check into a Weatherspoons a few times you then get I think its 20% off a meal there on your next visit. I don't think many companies have latched on to this yet. Might be worth trying to get a few motor places, factors etc in on this to get some discounts for members.
If you want to add me on there my Username is Kirk Sherratt.

My Twitter is KirkJames1980 in case anybody wants to added me on there!

Captain Peanut
12-03-12, 09:03 AM
I did try FourSquare for a while but quickly started forgetting to check in to places!

Twitter is a different matter and I'm on that too much (well according to the other half at least). Maybe we could start a list of member accounts (mine, quite originally, is captain_peanut)?

12-03-12, 11:43 AM
Is that for twitter bud?

Captain Peanut
12-03-12, 11:54 AM
Sure is..

12-03-12, 09:56 PM
Is it just me not quite seeing the point of Twitter (Or if you're American, Twittor)?

Captain Peanut
12-03-12, 10:49 PM
Have this conversation with the wife all the time. It really depends on how you use it but personally I use it primarily for information about cars, motorsport etc and post far less than I read.

I think a lot of people were turned off it initially because it was just a sea of nobodies telling the world what they had just had for breakfast. Now it is a lot more about companies and people connecting and being able to quickly share news and information.