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View Full Version : Really p***d off!

16-05-14, 09:06 PM
Some coloured gentleman kindly today managed to reverse his audi a4 convertable into my yellow zs td straight into the nice freshly painted bumper and has fooked it good and proper! And what did this coloured gentleman say" its not my fault init" and followed by " i aint paying for that init" with lots of abusive words thrown in for good measure. So now im back to square one! Not happy.

16-05-14, 09:12 PM
hope ye got his reg,i would be reporting that.i bet yer no happy was looking ace to.

16-05-14, 09:13 PM
Did u get his details? Or call the old bill?
Some people are just plain c@&ts

16-05-14, 09:23 PM
Ahhhh mate :( thats ****. hope you got his details and pass that on to the police.

16-05-14, 09:27 PM
********, tell the police and go through his insurance.

16-05-14, 09:34 PM
Hope you nutted him one..............Told him you would tell police he jumped onto your fist............

16-05-14, 09:38 PM
us yellows know how you feel mate,had this happen once with my first zs knew the reg of his car,seen the guy later in a petrol station couldent even look at me,my girlfriend was parked at the time,he reversed into her and sped off.

16-05-14, 09:52 PM
Ahhhh mate :( thats ****. hope you got his details and pass that on to the police.

Im just glad the 180 was inside!

16-05-14, 09:55 PM
Im glad too but still gutted for you mate :(

16-05-14, 10:20 PM
These scrotes should pay no matter what.

16-05-14, 10:35 PM
Not to tarnish anyone with the same brush, but my experience with Audi drivers is similar to yours. They all seem arrogant ba*tards and drive like idiots and have a very good fetish for tailgating.

On that basis, I'd never buy an Audi.

17-05-14, 05:40 AM
'coloured' wow.

I've gone back in time.

17-05-14, 06:47 AM
Not to tarnish anyone with the same brush, but my experience with Audi drivers is similar to yours. They all seem arrogant ba*tards and drive like idiots and have a very good fetish for tailgating.

On that basis, I'd never buy an Audi.

Gee thanks :sleep: lol

I'm not that bad! But i know what you mean, bit like the rep BMW drivers get...

17-05-14, 06:49 AM
'coloured' wow.

I've gone back in time.

Yeah he had just been to paintball and a grenade exploded all over him, so he was Luminous pink coloured.... :fun:

ian zs180
17-05-14, 09:58 AM
Gutted for mate hope you get it all sorted out and soon

17-05-14, 10:19 AM
No issues there, if it happened on a road. Report to police.

There is no - "It's not worth the hassle" arguement.

If you don't, there is nothing to disuade him from doing it again, and again, and again.

You owe it to the rest of the driving community to report it and support a prosecution.

17-05-14, 11:51 AM
No issues there, if it happened on a road. Report to police.

There is no - "It's not worth the hassle" arguement.

If you don't, there is nothing to disuade him from doing it again, and again, and again.

You owe it to the rest of the driving community to report it and support a prosecution.

very true that,