View Full Version : exhaust back box

13-09-14, 10:17 AM
Hi I need a rear box for my 1.8 cvt auto rover 45. I'd prefer original if any still out there or at least something with a bit of quality-already had ebay cheapies that resonate annoyingly! Any one got one or advice greatly appreciated.

13-09-14, 10:42 AM
Cybox exhausts seem to have a very good reputation.

13-09-14, 01:07 PM
Ive got a stainless steel centre pipe and backbox made by powerflow going spare. Just took it off my mg zs 1.8 saloon as ive changed the engine and am now using a larger bore exhaust system.

13-09-14, 04:24 PM
Ive got a stainless steel centre pipe and backbox made by powerflow going spare. Just took it off my mg zs 1.8 saloon as ive changed the engine and am now using a larger bore exhaust system.

Is it standard spec and will it fit my car Steve? Not looking for extra performance lol. Have you got a picture perhaps?

13-09-14, 05:22 PM
its standard spec for a 1.8 and will fit your car if it is the 4 door saloon shape?

stainless steel systems have lifetime guarantee, but it will make your car sound a bit more racey ;)

I'll get you some photos! (bear with me)

13-09-14, 06:06 PM
Here's the backbox with centre pipe and cat. The tail is a larger slash cut but it will fit nicely into the rear bumper cut out (not sure if the 45 has that cut out).

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10645251_10204717362835995_3791605117633014353_n.j pg?oh=96874c0ac0e19803aeeccb1e2659817b&oe=54898FB1&__gda__=1419242212_c5bf174f2064e49642f531efe60280a c

14-09-14, 07:53 AM
Here's the backbox with centre pipe and cat. The tail is a larger slash cut but it will fit nicely into the rear bumper cut out (not sure if the 45 has that cut out).

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10645251_10204717362835995_3791605117633014353_n.j pg?oh=96874c0ac0e19803aeeccb1e2659817b&oe=54898FB1&__gda__=1419242212_c5bf174f2064e49642f531efe60280a c

Thanks, looks like a good system but I'm looking for a standard but good quality back box-thanks anyway.

14-09-14, 10:16 AM
Np mate!