View Full Version : Remote key fob not working

14-02-08, 07:04 PM
Hi, i was just wondering if any of you know much about the remote key fobs for mg rover?
We have got a 97 rover 620 but the key fob doesnt work & i believe the fobs are slightly different to the zs / 45 ones. Does anybody know how to or where to get them reprogrammed for a fair price?????? any suggestions much apreciated...

15-02-08, 08:26 PM
The 600 is indeed different. It uses the honda type system (s you have a red key with a chip in the keys for the immobiliser) and the fob only actually operates the central locking. I am 99% sure that you cannot add fobs as the system is seperate to the rest (the unit is part of the interior light) and so the only way is to get a replacement unit and new fobs together.

At the end of the day it is only remote locking so if it dont work properly just unlock with the key.

15-02-08, 09:28 PM
www.rovertech.net is very good for Rover 600 problems.