View Full Version : Whats the difference between a traffic master clock and the standard one?

20-05-08, 07:23 PM
I have got the old style digital clock in my zs but was wondering if i could fit traffic master clock?
Is the traffic master any good and does it have to be linked to a radio unit????

21-05-08, 05:37 AM
it's a straight swap and needs no setting up

basically it has a bigger screen that it uses to display traffic info. On the right are 3 bars representing the road and the neam is shown up the top. From my understanding of how it works the bars that light up tell you how long the traffic is and how far away.

I've had mine fitted about a week and it is a very handy bit of kit. When I was driving back from glasgow at one point it was showing me info for 3 motorways at once

21-05-08, 05:44 AM
but does it fit a mk1?

21-05-08, 09:39 AM
as Kev already said, as long as your old clock has the right plug it will. It needs to be a 5 pin plug I think