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mattie007 10-03-11 01:47 PM

I know it's easy for me to say this, but chin up mate. Your a legend on these forums :)
I've had family members in a similar position, and it is tough but you'll get through it.
I'm feeling a bit low myself after my hours being cut and a close friend of mine has just been jailed for 18 years. But you have to remain strong.
You'll get through it with the help of family and friends :)

BUCKYDEVIL 10-03-11 02:03 PM

Think you have made a good start by at least opening up to how you are feeling as bottling things up to yourself like men do only compounds all the stress till the point where somethings going to snap, Im quilty of this and have in the past went into a violent rage over the simplest of matters,
Not done it for years as I now have a partner I can talk to about anything.
Hope you can feel some relief at least by knowing that WE are hear to listen and Support you through this dark time Alan.

WXM Matty 10-03-11 02:11 PM

Head up, most people wouldn't even have the nerve to openly admit it. You know something not right and needs to change. As others have said help is out there things can only get better.

jamesc777 10-03-11 02:16 PM

I know im only new here but id like to say your not alone Alan, as gsinclarzs said, i think there are quite alot of guys who wont admit how much it affects them. talking to someone can help, it did for me. I think anyone one here would give you all they time they can if you wanted to bend their ear for a while, i certainly would.
all the best mate

Smokey 10-03-11 02:17 PM

I really feel for you Alan. As Mattie says, you are a legend here and that is something positive. Forums are a place where you get honest opinions as it is easy to say what you want behind the sheild of a monitor. So to become a popular person is probably harder than anywhere else so you should be proud of that.

I hope this is the start of a recovery for you mate and if you do feel you need to get away from things, feel free to come up north and stay with Kat and I for a while to clear your head. Might be of some help.

Bobdope2002 10-03-11 02:31 PM

Chin Up Alan Mate ive been theyre took me nigh on a year to find something on a perm basis and i was about ready to go mad

have you considered Driving jobs or something similar......

Maxfly 10-03-11 03:22 PM

It will come right in the end Alan, might be a **** of a slog and i am glad I have been lucky enough to have not been where you are now but your luck will turn:)

peterzs 10-03-11 04:05 PM

Hi Alan, think you've got more balls than me for posting this up.

Sorry you are going through the pain, and hope that things start to improve.

I used to work for a landscaping company, and every year there was a panic when the grass started to grow in the Spring. Dont know if its worth having a word with any companies up that way. We lost our main contract to ISS Waterers, worked on army, navy and RAF bases. Pays not much but with overtime etc wasnt bad. Get some training on tree felling, pest control etc and quite a few of our guys went out on their own.

I'm past all the working problems now, but it must be difficult with all the cut backs that seem to be going on, just a matter of going for whatever is out there.

You know your not alone and we would do anything to help.

sarah 12-03-11 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by marts66 (Post 200234)
Mate, you are not alone. I had a nervous breakdown a while ago and thought my world was ending. I had hidden this from myself and others for what seemed an age and one day couldn't go on. I felt like a dam had burst, cried for a whole day and felt like ending it all. You need to see someone, i went to my GP and she was great, cried my way through a 30 minute consulatation but ultimately felt better. There's no shame in getting some treatment, if you had a broken leg you'd get it plastered, if you had a headache you'd take a pill. Mental health issues effect one in four people so you really are not alone. But do something and remeber you are most definitely not alone.


Again not many people know me or what problems i had, but i too suffer depression/anxiety and often panick attacks.. last year i cried and cried nearly every day, i couldn't sleep, couldn't go out, nothing was worth my effort. then 1 day i'd had enough and went to my GP told him everything, like you i cried through the session saying how it was destorying my life.

They prescribed me 20mg of fluoxetines (prozac) and i've been taking them since May last year, im still on them but oh my god they have changed my life around so much, i can go out, nothing is a task any more, i am much calmer and manage to cope with the things i couldn't.. i didn't want to be on medication but i had too as i was scared of what i might do. I have a review every 3 months, got my next one on Tuesday.. i do still need to take them though because if i have missed one or 2 i feel so tired and down and dont want to do anything, but when im on them i am so happy.

Just goes to show really that there is help out there, i had counselling years ago and it didn't help me, but it might help you if you dont want medication. but dont mind me saying, it sounds like you need something to pick you back up again. :)

I really hope you can get better and carry on your life, and always remember you aren't alone. x x

driley90 12-03-11 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Alan.F (Post 200228)
Cant take any more of this crap my head has gone bang this morning i have hidden behind a brave face for a long time now thinking things dont bother me i need help i have been out of work for 2 years now and its got to the stage were i cant be arsed because i am scared of rejection from everyone because of my age. my blood pressure has gone through the roof, everyone says "its ok Alan can handle it he wont get depressed" but i think its here i feel so down and out and finished, dont worry i am not at the stage where i will do something stupid or anything like that i just feel so numb inside a bit of a loner. Marshalling is the only pleasure i get in life nowadays and its looking like i wont be able to do that this year.

O.K. now listen mate I was out of work for 18 months back in 2008/9 until I found an agency wanting cleaners for the ambulance service so I applied to be an ambulance deep cleaner and 5 months on I went for the interview and I got the job 'cos I had an answer to every question asked to me regarding the job and the irony of it is that I hate agencies and have had some quite bad times with them and was reluctant to go with another one but look at where it got me - full time with the N.H.S. and on a good salary with the prospects of a promotion and a pay increase every year so don't give up, go find them agencies who deal with the N.H.S. and see where it takes you!!!

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