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BRMFUN 25-07-15 06:06 PM

For constructive dismissal to work there has to be a funamental breach of contract! Ask yourself if that's the case, it will need to be cast iron to win! If your being made redundant a fundamental breach for example would be someone else already employed to do your exact job!

stamford 25-07-15 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by BRMFUN (Post 361609)
For constructive dismissal to work there has to be a funamental breach of contract! Ask yourself if that's the case, it will need to be cast iron to win! If your being made redundant a fundamental breach for example would be someone else already employed to do your exact job!

Who is this aimed at as I haven't mentioned constructive dismissal?

I am looking at a breach of my rights in the selection process which sits in the unfair dismissal section of the case. ACAS have said I have enough to take this further. With the employee who was let off due to being on meds in case it stressed her out is discrimination. Also found that some redundant employees are getting a different deal so no continuity there.

BRMFUN 25-07-15 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by peterzs (Post 361547)
If you are brave. jaorten, you could have handed in your resignation and then gone to Tribunal under Constructive Dismissal.

Pleased Your case sounds better than constructive dismissal!!

stamford 31-07-15 11:23 AM

Oh well that's it. Taken voluntary redundancy in order to squeeze some more monies out of them. Last official day is 25th September as have an 8 week notice period. Then I get the pay-off or kick in the nuts as it is the capped minimum plus a slight enhancement.

I must be honest and say I feel relieved as I cannot see much future left in the place, too many key people going this time leaving a fragile team behind and no work coming in. There will be more to come I am sure before the locks get changed! Quite how I am going to get through this 8 week period is interesting as I don't have the work or motivation now, told them that straight. Just found out this Windows install doesn't have any games loaded! :angry:

Job hunting starts in anger now, so my time here will be on job sites and letting my network of contacts know! Plan is to get a job lined up before the 8 weeks are up so the redundancy money is like christmas come early, otherwise it is a back-up plan and would be like having another 3 months pay.

M17TT180 31-07-15 11:39 AM

Could always invest in my zs breaking and saving business ;)

stamford 31-07-15 11:47 AM

I must resist any temptation to look at cars until I have a job offer lined up! The wife needs a change as the MGF is getting on a bit and needs some money thrown at it, so that may be going in the near future. If I had the space I would keep it and work on it.

splinter 31-07-15 12:44 PM

Sorry to read this mate. At least you now know where you stand and can start searching in earnest on company time and WiFi.
Hope it all works out for you as I'm sure it will with all your experience

Lukeus101 31-07-15 02:18 PM

Sorry to read this Mick :( im sure a man with your many talents will be snapped up quick!

peterzs 31-07-15 03:57 PM

Sorry to hear, but in one way its a relief that you now know what's going on and can plan accordingly.

Plenty of job interviews to line up between now and September.

Dont forget you are entitled to any unused holiday pay, as well as the redundancy payment.

vanishing days 31-07-15 08:35 PM

Sorry to hear this Mick redundancy is horrible to go through. fingers crossed as I got my current job after redundancy and it's the best job I've had

stamford 31-07-15 08:58 PM

All the figures were checked through as I received my official letter to sign so all present and correct. Somewhat demoralising the actual figure compared to some people I know (different company and contract) who have had treble what I've had for the same length of service. Already had a couple of contacts spread the word and meeting up with them in the few weeks.

I did consider going freelance but the software I need is getting on for £7k plus £2k for a machine to run it less monitors is too much to plough in at this time.

Maxfly 31-07-15 10:18 PM

Hope you find something soon Mick, sure you will and when you do at least then you can enjoy your payoff. Onwards and upwards!

stamford 07-08-15 02:10 PM

My boss, Technical Director, left me an email before he went on a 3 week holiday giving me a list of designs to complete before I leave! Cheeky *******! Not exactly a short list but also wants a site plan showing all the cameras, smoke detectors, alarms etc..................yea right!

So there is nothing mentioned stating he wants it saved in 2D format, so I shall be doing what I can in 3D and leaving it in that format..................they don't have anyone capable of operating my system! No-one is trained up on 3D :laugh:

As I was writing this I had a call from an agency.............I have an interview :D

Oh and another call, another job! Like buses they are! :D

peterzs 07-08-15 02:58 PM

good luck, with the interview.

Pity if the back problem suddenly flared up again and the doctor signed you off for a month or two!!!

daytona365 07-08-15 04:26 PM

Good news to hear you maybe already back in employment....Some employers treat you like **** when you leaving, they dont understand you may not feel like working. Still good news and drinks on us when the next meet is finally arranged..

talkingcars 07-08-15 05:08 PM

Good luck with the interviews.

jc600 07-08-15 06:28 PM

Good luck mate. :)

Dan1971 07-08-15 07:35 PM

Hope the interview(s) turn out well. Be nice to get a couple of offers on the table.

You know what - bit of redundancy cash, then (fingers X'd) into a new post....every cloud and all that

stamford 08-08-15 06:58 AM

Cheers all. My aim is to get a new position sorted quickly so I can plan ahead rather than use the redundancy cash to live on. I have a few things I want to do and finish off around the home.

Smokey 08-08-15 07:51 AM

Sounds like it's beginning to fall in to place!

sneekyparrot 08-08-15 02:36 PM

Fingers crossed for you Mick.


p_b82 12-08-15 09:14 AM

Fingers's crossed for you with the interviews, hope they go well and you get something else lined up nice and quick!

stamford 12-08-15 10:08 AM

Cheers all.

Got a telephone interview later today as a pre-cursor to a face-to-face interview early next week if that goes well, which it should! This role is a perfect match for my skills, just need to sell myself and take it from there.

Dan1971 12-08-15 12:28 PM

Good luck mate ....

peterzs 12-08-15 03:53 PM

Fingers crossed.

Maxfly 12-08-15 09:13 PM

Best of luck!!

stamford 12-08-15 09:25 PM

Well the telephone interview went very well, spent just over an hour chatting to the commercial director and they want to see me early next week for the face-to-face with the technical director and their lead design engineer. I have a very good feeling about this one.

Also got another interview at the end of the month for another role, so things are looking positive already. This one is a risk for the director as he is on holiday and knows that I may not be around come the time to see him, he's not happy but it's down to his poor timing.

peterzs 12-08-15 09:30 PM

Dont forget they are lucky to get you, your skills dont grow on trees so dont let them think you are desperate!!!!

Many irons in the fire, etc.


stamford 12-08-15 10:00 PM

To be honest Pete they know they are fortunate to find someone with the right skills and knowledge so they need me more than I need them as the market is better than first thought, alot of positions out there with not enough people to fill them and they have admitted that. The director who can't see me until month end even said he reckons I will be snapped up by then. I shall be playing it down and telling them I have a couple of other interviews to see through first and want to see them before making any decisions. Not playing hardball, just as you say not showing desperation.

jc600 12-08-15 10:06 PM

Hope all goes well, good luck. :)

BRMFUN 13-08-15 04:14 AM

Good luck!

jaorton 13-08-15 07:47 AM

That's really good that there is a decent market out there for your set of skills.

pheelay 13-08-15 11:58 AM

Only catching up with this thread now. Sorry to hear about this Mick. It's crazy the effect labour and discrimination laws have on company decision making. Great that the interviews are going well and ultimately, it sounds like you're heading for offers with companies that appreciate you and your skills more so it may all work out for the better in the end. Best of luck!

stamford 14-08-15 05:28 PM

I have the interview this Monday afternoon with the Technical Director and Lead Design Engineer, apparently the latter is leaving next month and moving onto something different. Just heard from the agency manager and I am the only one being considered as they cannot find anyone with the skills and qualifications I have, so it is now mine to lose! So it looks like they need me more than I need them! So I can only go into it by being myself and take it as it comes. I already have a portfolio ready and to expect a 3D task to take on, a sort of test. I am actually looking forward to this :D

If all goes well then I will hopefully see out the remainder of my notice period and then straight into a new job and with the redundancy money in the bank!

I also have three other jobs in the pipeline with another interview booked.

BRMFUN 14-08-15 05:33 PM

Looking good then, fingers crossed!

Dan1971 14-08-15 05:56 PM

Got them eating out of the palm of your hands mate ... good for you.

daytona365 14-08-15 07:25 PM

Well done, shows how much you are really wanted.....your old firms loss......

grimmy 14-08-15 07:54 PM

Onwards and upwards Mick.I'm sure you will nail it

stamford 18-08-15 07:03 AM

That was some interview, 4 hours later! Totally brain dead after that. Only just recovered this morning! Now today I am doing a little design exercise given to me then back again Weds afternoon. Hopefully then will we see where this is going. Still have another interview to go to so that could be interesting if the first one wants me.

stamford 20-08-15 10:26 AM

Yesterday was the second interview which was another 2 3/4 hours which went well.

This morning I got the good news and was offered the job! :D Now waiting for the written offer to drop on the doormat. I just need to speak to the Technical Director to ensure he gives an honest and true reference and doesn't say anything stupid which he would be capable of!

Sitting here waiting for it to sink it.

Decent salary, paid overtime which is unusual, bonus scheme etc. Back in the automotive sector predominately robotic welding cells and automation, Design Engineering Manager. Extremely happy! :w00t:

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