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Maxfly 28-10-10 01:39 PM

Zed's Dead
Crashed on roads this morning, zed is dead. I am fine, no injuries. Tbh not that fussed about car surprisingly, got more important things to do the now.

Car has been sent to Ingrams Accident Repair Centre in Aye, for evaluation but it is deffo a goner. After the initial accident stood at side of road talking to the policeman when another car hammering along crashed into mine as it was there disabled, not seeing it nor the polices flashing lights.

Likes of Craig etc in the area if you know the bodyshop could maybe ask where it is going after they write it off and take any bits yous want?

Not really in mood for talking in depth about it the now, maybe in future. It was my fault though, hit greasy corner spun round etc. Nowt else to add at moment. thank you

andys1981 28-10-10 01:43 PM

holy shoite mate,hope your ok,thats bad news,really sorry to hear that mate

Supercharged_Z 28-10-10 01:51 PM

:( get your old spoiler back on it dont lose that!! lol

at least your are ok! is the disabled ok?

Smokey 28-10-10 01:52 PM

Really bad news mate, hope you are ok, sometimes takes a wee while for any injuries to surface.

Shame for the Zed too.

BUCKYDEVIL 28-10-10 01:57 PM

Ohh Feck Gary sorry to hear that but glad your ok.

peterzs 28-10-10 02:12 PM

What a bummer, glad your OK and no one else involved, apart from the **** who run into you.


grimmy 28-10-10 02:44 PM

**** Gary just seen this goad your okay mate but gutted your zed was killed it was a fine example

Steves Cleenz 28-10-10 02:52 PM

Fook!! at least you ok though :)

stamford 28-10-10 03:14 PM

****! Sorry to hear this Gary. At least you are okay but sad to hear the zed is dead. By all accounts it was a minter. :cry:

sduk 28-10-10 03:53 PM

hi Gary, glad you are ok, car is only car. Only one of you son :)

Nor 28-10-10 03:58 PM

Gutted to read this :( Your car was the best example I'd seen Gary. Glad you're okay, can always buy another car. All the best.

Jay-ZS+ 28-10-10 03:58 PM

gutted for you mate, its only metal least your ok :)

bmm87 28-10-10 04:23 PM

oh dear!

Stephen 28-10-10 05:41 PM

Tryed to post earlier at work on my phone but wouldnt let me

absaloutly gutted for you mate:( So much hard work went into a gorgeous ZS!

Have you the chance of buying it back? Buy it back and il buy it off you. Got some good extras etc on it

Alan.F 28-10-10 05:59 PM

Sorry to hear this Gary glad you are ok like has been said the car is replaceable you are not hope things work out ok for you and you get a good price for her

Leigh_EvoIX 28-10-10 06:01 PM

Nooooooo...... Glad your ok though mate!!!
Sad times :(

LozMachine 28-10-10 06:27 PM

Bad, bad news, hope everything works out ok for ya

daytona365 28-10-10 06:38 PM

Sorry to hear the news, at least you ok though.

vanishing days 28-10-10 06:40 PM

glad your ok dude

Dan1971 28-10-10 06:43 PM

Just a car. Could've been far more serious by the sounds of it especially with it getting hit again whilst disabled in the road.

Glad you're OK.

KevG 28-10-10 06:46 PM

Sorry hear about this dude:(:(:(


Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 177242)
Have you the chance of buying it back? Buy it back and il buy it off you. Got some good extras etc on it

I see the vultures are circling already!!

coreygraham180 28-10-10 08:08 PM

Holy **** dude hope ur ok

Shame on the car as said it was a minter

stamford 28-10-10 09:04 PM

Well Gary if you are reading this how are you feeling mate? Has it sunk in yet?

Maxfly 28-10-10 09:24 PM

would like to thank everyone for the good wishes,very much appreciated!!!

As said it is just a car and still not bothering me surprisingly, just pissed off with myself as it was my fault. Think i steered in to sharp iirc but tbh it is scary how vague everything is afterwards tbh. An this is a minor thing at the moment, got a lot going on that is top of the priorities compared to this. Not planning on buying car back, not interested in the hassle but as said if folk know where it is, dig in, maybe grab me a few bits lol. Took a while to be totally calm today, glad i went into work tbh as it kept me occupied and luckily my Dad was coming down today to visit me in the box anyway so by mid afternoon i felt a bit lighter...been a **** week to put it mildly. Had a message from the officer who i mostly spoke to giving me the RTA ref No as saying he will probably need to speak to me again about the 2nd accident as it looks like that guy will be charged, have to say myself and the officers faces must have been a right picture when he ploughed into my car next to us.

After getting home ran a bath and sat in it for a while, so feel nice an fresh and have had a quick scan at what MK2 180's are for sale, not looking seriously yet as no desperate for a car as the Retro will keep me mobile and if i do get another will be looking for one in the same sort of state as mine was ......prior to this morning tho:)

Again thanks to everyone, the support from you all on here has been great and once i sort things out a bit I will surface a bit more but like said plenty going on.

Oh an officer telt me to take anything valuable so grabbed stereo, gear know all owners logs and cupholders lol. Didn't have time to strip anything else, like the dash lol

Oh an only slight injury i have found so far is a wee baby bruise on my right hip where seatblet must have dug in, car itself all opened and cabine was solid, did me proud tae the end

stamford 28-10-10 09:29 PM

Thanks for the update and hope all settles down for you whatever it may be. At least you are okay that's the main thing. We're here when you need anything. Take care mate.

grimmy 28-10-10 09:31 PM

Glad to see you are feeling pretty positive about it all Gary.chin up and all the best mate hope it all sorts itself fairly quickly and with the minimum of hassle

mattie007 28-10-10 09:38 PM

Sorry to hear this, car looked fantastic from the pictures I have seen on here.
Glad your ok, must of been a shock to see some tw@t plough into it.

Alan.F 28-10-10 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by stamford (Post 177304)
Thanks for the update and hope all settles down for you whatever it may be. At least you are okay that's the main thing. We're here when you need anything. Take care mate.


Ritchy 28-10-10 10:24 PM

read earlier but couldnt post, fecking hell! sooo gutted for ye mate:( anything i can do to help i will mate, il give ye a hand sorting whatever you get, might be wise to buy your old one back, we'll swap your bits onto yours n then you can just get rid of it,

give us a text if you need anything bud

Dave MGT 28-10-10 10:24 PM

Gutted for you!!! at least ur ok though.

With reguards to taking things off it. You can take anything !! as long as it has 4 wheels left on it!!
I would get that spoiler off 1st..! :)

Nats Whiskas 28-10-10 10:33 PM

Thats proper **** mate, Would hate to loose a car like that!!

caled 28-10-10 11:14 PM

Damn, sad news about your car mate. Glad you're ok though.

andys1981 29-10-10 02:36 AM

heh bud, good to see youve posted back up,but personally you put a lot of effort into that car,so i would be stripping everything off it,theres a few of us would dig in to gie ye a hand anaw mate,its your decision at the end of the day,glad to see ye werent hurt aswell bud,hope ye get things sorted without all the grief mate!

ThumpJunkie 29-10-10 07:20 AM

Christ Gary. Just read this, didn't want to text you in case you're in bed after nightshift or that. Gimme a phone later mate.

shcKr- 29-10-10 08:27 AM

A damn shame, but as everyone said, its only a car that can be replaced.. you cant

talkingcars 29-10-10 08:51 AM

Sorry to read these, glad you are okay but watch that bruise in case it gets worse.

ThumpJunkie 29-10-10 08:54 AM

Gary, buy it back. You'll NEVER find a ZS as complete as yours was, would be a real shame to have to start again just as yours was pretty much finished.

I'm actually gutted TBH, I loved this car.

Stephen 29-10-10 09:32 AM

At least your okay mate.

As with others. If you need a hand/help give us a call or text. Take it easy.

JIMZS180 29-10-10 11:54 AM

Gary..just read this, glad you are ok but gutted that another fantastic ZS has bit the dust!!!!! hope you get sorted out soon (and the car)

Phate 29-10-10 01:33 PM

So sorry to hear this mate, hope you get things sorted quickly.

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