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stamford 26-11-15 09:09 AM

Advice needed
Some of you know I am out of work and need to plan ahead as job hunting is not going well at all. I'm even considering a change of direction. Well to ensure I pay the bills I have two routes ahead, sell the Discovery or the zed.

So my issue is the zed, it obviously means alot to me and the current values are pretty shoite. If I was to sell it complete as a very competent track car what is it worth? I know it is probably worth more in bits but not really a sensible option considering it is ready to role as is. If it was broken down it would mean alot of stripping and shipping plus being left with an immobile car. I would rather it go whole.

I have had this for well over 10 years, second owner and it's been a labour of love. If the value is lower than ideal then that's a decision already made. However if offered elsewhere other than a MG site would I get more?

Part of me cannot part with it, but at the same time I don't want to sell the Disco either! Both mean alot, but the obviously the Disco is worth more. We Buy Any Car offered £6.5k for it, so should get between £7-8k for it in an ideal world, which I am not living in at this time!

Dan1971 26-11-15 10:39 AM

Disco's are ten a penny. It's winter - it'll fly out the door.

The ZS has memories and huge amounts of time and effort invested that you will not get back in pound notes. It's absolutely unique and cannot be replaced. You would not be selling because you've decided on a Mk2 and want a change, you'd be selling because you have to. You'll regret it.

For me - the Disco goes, put some money in the bank to help get through at the moment. As and when you are back on your feet, get another one.

Saying that - nothing wrong with putting them both up - the ZS for what you actually feel it's worth though - and keep the one that's left.

petet16 26-11-15 12:39 PM

I would agree with Dan, the disco is worth more £££, and when you get back on your feet it'll be easy enough to find a replacement, the zed you will get offered peanuts for and replacing it would be a mission and a half.

Ian Donkin 26-11-15 12:49 PM

+1 to the above posts - the Disco (I'm assuming a D3 at that money) will put you more in the bank and the ZS is worth more to you than any sale would likely realise. If the ZS is still a road car, you also have transport in the interim to boot!

If WBAC is offering £6.5k, it's got to be worth a whole more than that anyway... Maybe a few calls to specialist dealers could cut out the middle man that is WBAC and raise you more anyway (or even eBay it with the WBAC offer as your start price).

Ideally however, a job will turn up next week and this will all become an irrelevance.

Fingers crossed for you.

Supercharged_Z 26-11-15 01:03 PM

I would resort to selling the zed at the very last thing as what its worth will not cover many bills. Then you have to find a buyer.I dont know its current status but sell the disco and use the zed as a daily until you can get back on your feet.

Also i would say around 1-1500 quid.

Good luck

if you go the other route and are looking to trade the disco out i would buy it at trade ish prices.

Mark S 26-11-15 01:15 PM

stamford, a spec list of the zs is needed to put a value on it.

we have seen attempts at track cars come and go, some terrible attempts to some mediocre, a cage helps with value, a caged zs with some attention to detail up to 1500? more with decent circuit times.
beyond that is may need a bit of race pedigree or at least some competitive lap times and data from different circuits to command over 2k,
just my humble opinion.

for money in the bank, sell the discovery.

stamford 26-11-15 01:50 PM

It's going the way I expected tbh. Probably better to look to sell the Disco, buy a cheapish diesel estate for around £2k-2.5k max and bank the rest. The zed won't generate enough to justify selling it. Push comes to shove I can drive it daily but not ideal as not comfortable if used frequently. We'll see how things progress into December and take a view on it then. Pretty crap timing considering xmas coming up, wife's 50th in January and a Florida holiday in January, good job it's paid for!

Supercharged_Z 26-11-15 04:14 PM

It's something to look forward to at least.

ian zs180 26-11-15 05:09 PM

I would have to agree I would keep the zs . You would regret selling at some point down the line and I doubt very much if you was in the market for another that it would come close to yours keep it mate

talkingcars 26-11-15 05:17 PM

Sorry Mick, I'm with all of the above posts.

If you ring around the disco specialists one of them may have the diesel estate in as a part exchange.

LukeZS96 26-11-15 05:23 PM

I would sell the disco, not only do you have the value to think of but if you decide to sell the Zed you have to think you would probably still have it up for sale come January or February yet if you sold the disco you could have it sold and money banked by this day next week. Sorry to hear things have gotten into this situation but needs must.

Sent from my VF-795 using Tapatalk

mattyprice4004 26-11-15 08:02 PM

Ditch the Disco, and buy a ZT Tourer or 75 Tourer as the estate.
We use and rely on a ZT-T daily, and it's been brilliant. Diesel auto, for maximum lazyness too. :D

talkingcars 26-11-15 08:22 PM

Careful Matt, Mick will end up with a 260.......

stamford 27-11-15 06:40 AM

I have considered an auto ZT-T but not many out there at the moment. Other options being an Audi A6 estate or a Merc estate. Not many others that float my boat tbh. Disco 2 too long in the tooth after a 3 and still demand strong money for a decent one. BMW 5 series is another option but again a little dated for the budget I have in mind.

Thanks for all the input guys, it was as suspected but needed a nudge. Just a case of when to do the deed as waiting on some fill-in jobs to come to fruition. Was hoping to keep the Disco into January as intended to drive to the airport for the holiday in January, good chance of snow then and the 4x4 would be ideal!

Will look to swap out the private plates, change the wheels back etc. I'll have another one day for sure. It is a superb car and I will miss it if the time comes.

p_b82 27-11-15 09:04 AM

Sorry to hear this Mick - but I agree with other advice given...

The ZS just won't return the sort of safety net you need - even if you get top dollar for it.

Hope the job hunting finds something to avoid the requirement to sell the disco.

stamford 11-12-15 05:42 PM

The time is getting close to letting the Discovery go. But on the brightside I was informed I have been invited for an interview Monday morning. Decent job spec, production manager. I had an agency call me about this role on Wednesday which hadn't gone live on any of the job sites so got in there quick! Kathy got shat on by a bird yesterday so that to me was an omen! :laugh:

I also had a telephone interview recently so things are a little positive so hopefully the new year will be something to focus on and look forward to. There may be a slim chance I can keep the Disco as hate to see it go. If it doesn't work out I am prepared for what comes and already looking at cheap motors for a possible commute or get around as can't use the zed too much as it is on a classic policy plus it's too hard for everyday use!

petet16 11-12-15 06:39 PM

Encouraging news.

peterzs 11-12-15 09:17 PM

good luck, I'll keep everything crossed for a good outcome.


sneekyparrot 12-12-15 09:30 AM

fingers crossed :thumbsup:

Dan1971 12-12-15 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by stamford (Post 366120)
..... and already looking at cheap motors for a possible commute or get around as can't use the zed too much as it is on a classic policy plus it's too hard for everyday use!

Wasn't Sam giving away a car recently - proton, Kia or something ..... Fingers and toes crossed for you mate.

120 auto near you ?

p_b82 15-12-15 09:04 AM

fingers crossed the roles all work out and you get to keep the disco too :)

stamford 15-12-15 09:56 AM

Had one interview, hard to read how that went but another week before I hear anything. Also got another interview to book in but will not be until the new year. Looks like the Disco will be going either this week or next week, just waiting for the V5 to come back. Looking for a cheap auto now. Seen a tidy R75 diesel that fits the budget.

hansligg 15-12-15 11:17 AM

Why dont you call into your local Remploy, we can support you into employment and we have live vacancies exclusive to ONLY our candidates so its a possible in-roads for you.

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