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Old 04-07-09, 02:22 AM   #58
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 268
DeMoNPauL has a little shameless behaviour in the past
Originally Posted by ReidyRemapsLtd View Post
Hi guys its Matt here,

I have been reading this thread and i can see that there are some people doubting my work. All i can say is feel free to come down and put your car on my dyno and il dyno it and map it in front of you you can see me sorting the airfuel ratios out and watch the power go up.

I have seen maps done by other companies and it seems most companies dont understand this ecu so its no suprise if they dont get good gains. most just increase the timing and say thats it all done.

But you can control the vis and you can get power from sorting the fueling add this together with a bit of timing and your looking at soome good power.

one thing i will say is that no car has been the same on the dyno the plenum and vis plays a big part in the torque and power delivered and it being setup slightly wrong will give odd torque figures.

Feel free to ask away.

Cheers guys Matt
Why has it took you so long to do this?

When can we see one of your mapped cars at Santa pod or on a trackday etc to see if your mapping actually works?

The only way you will gain any trust is by real time recording etc
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