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Old 26-09-09, 08:38 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by marts66 View Post
You fail to mention how many of these types of letters you deliver to scrounging 'UK' families or the UK families who bleed us dry because they don't want to work , how many sat dishes do you see in council estates...answer...lots, owned by brits who don't work. You might deliver letters to them but I live in a council estate...none of my neighbours is foreign they are all English and all of them, including the ones who don't work have sat dishes, I don't but I work 37 hours a week.

We, as a country, have the worst rate of teenage pregnancy, why? because then the little chavars can get their own place, paid for by the likes of me and you for nowt! You are blind if you think the only people who cream us are foreign, we have had a culture who relies on everyone else and blames everyone else for years ' I didn't go to school, it's my teachers fault... there's no work in my street so f**k that I'm not going to work....' It goes on..I work with people who say the same thing to me over and over, we winge and blame everyone else....ooooh it's their fault they're (insert nationality)! Racists, I s**t on them, and feel sorry for their kids, you're not born a racist it comes from ignorant, intolerant people and the sooner they die out the better for the world.

We like shagging dude
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