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Old 24-10-09, 09:17 AM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 636
Andyf is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by R8NMG View Post
Roadworks, cones, speed limit etc are all there for a reason. I am sure the contractors do not put cones there willy nilly just so they can delay your journeys. Not everyone works 24/7 and do you know how long it will take to set up traffic management on a 3-4 miles stretch of a motorway. If we want good roads and infrastructures then we will have to live with roadworks.

As for the speed limit it is there to protect the workforce. Next time try standing on a layby within inches of cars doing 70mph next to you. That is not pleasant, and imagine those people working on the roads with only some plastic cones protecting them from numpty drivers doing more than the speed limit.
Well said.

Originally Posted by bmm87 View Post
look mate, there are 2 mile strectches of the damn thing that havnt been touched in months, but the cones are still there and the 30mph speed restriction!! i hav absolutley no problem with the speed when there are people working, in fact i usually go slower when passing them, but even then the work only gets dun at night

and if u think its just me that thinks its ridiculous, in the paper today, in 24 hours they caught 600 people doin more than 40mph, as everyone thinks its a joke!
If 600 people are stupid enough to get done for speeding when it is clearly signed then that's their problem, these idiots are the kind of people that shouldn't be allowed to do 70mph when there are no road works! Unfortunately people ignore the speed limit signs so they have to enforce it with cameras, if people could be trusted it wouldn't be necessary. I stopped an idiot doing 90 through a 50 at night with the matrix flashing, "Workforce in road, slow" he total ignored it and admitted seeing it.

Those workers have a very dangerous job, I wouldn't want to do it, a 40mph limit for a few miles is not the end of the world.
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