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Old 25-11-10, 05:28 PM   #4
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Compact cameras that boast megapixel count to help sales are flawed.

They basically contain a sensor which you'll find in many other similar cameras and cram more megapixels on it - which, in effect, actually degrades picture quality.

A camera from argos won't pickup on as much light as a fully fledged DSLR, won't handle noise as well, it won't meter correctly and will over expose or under expose alot of it's photos.

A DSLR will either not do this or will significantly reduce this, and that's just on its own automatic mode, throw it in manual and start controlling it yourself and these cameras come alive

There is not a single non DSLR camera that will outshoot a DSLR when the non DSLR has its settings to the max and a DSLR is in its basic automatic mode. It's kinda hard to explain, I'm not saying those compacts don't take good pictures, but the picture quality and depth that a DSLR delivers just isn't possible without using one.

Oh, and if you were to buy this, you still need a lens to go on it, that's another couple of hundred. Also, the main point of a DSLR is the interchangable lenses, I currently have 3, I use each one dependant on the job in hand but there are lots of lenses available depending on what you want to do, and these get expensive. Professional lenses start at around ?700 upwards...but perfectly good ones for people who are just in it to have a camera like yourself your talking more around a couple of hundred
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