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Old 11-03-12, 09:49 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Quadcam24 View Post
very first lap....why, what caused the accident?

sorry but this is why i would never go halves on a car, yes you may get your money back but what about all the hours and

excitement thats now lost.

How can anyone have a genuine excuse for crashing on the first lap after 4 minutes, unless someone hit him and knocked him off ,

or he had a mechanical failure of some sort, if not then im afraid i would be fuming.

Im sorry but what george said is right, it is dangerous and you have to accept that, but any driver has to respect the track

(especially the ring when your a noob, the ring hasnt gained its rep for nothing !! ), the conditions, your skill and experience etc.

I have done iro 40 trackdays and never had a shunt and that includes many new tracks, rain soaked tracks, even slick tyres on a

wet track and i don't say that to boast, im not the quickest driver by far but what i can do is read the conditions and know mine

and the cars limits...and anyone who goes on track, especially in a car part owned by some'one else, has a responsibility to do the


My apologies if this post makes me unpopular but its just unacceptable.

Build your own car mate and drive it yourself.

p.s do you like my george style, gap between every line, post ,lol
Calm down mate - Blah blah - yep you may have the time on a track - we don't. He may have pushed it too far to start with - so what -

No-one's got the hump - certainly not me - and we are 4 guys £200 each in total - £800 - we could break it for nearly that and get £100+ back on the road tax alone ! We'd written the investment off anyway just incase something like this happened. It's not some £10K totally sorted track car with hours of time spent in the garage. It was a bargain to buy, we spent £30 on getting it through the MOT to get it around and that's it.

The lads wanted to go to the ring - they went and lost it - no biggee ....

G - I think you're right - I don't think it'll be a lot to get straight again and at the end of the day - it might not look pretty, but it'll do exactly what we wanted it to do - get out and have some fun.
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