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Old 29-07-12, 04:02 PM   #1
James Raby
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Sunny Norfolk
Posts: 478
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Originally Posted by Dan1971 View Post

Seems a bit funny to me.

Lots of overtaking braking etc .... Not a straight forward - "I was going into a roundabout and the guy behind just didn't stop"

Quite simply - the other party is at fault if you were rear ended. You have to be supplied with the name and address of the driver and reg of the car at the scene of a damage only accident. If it's an injury accident, you also have to be provided with the insurance details. If you are now injured - I advise reporting to the police.

There is no reason for you to be out of pocket if you're involved in an accident and it's not your fault - or if it is your fault - it should just cost you your excess unless your just 3rd party - that's why we are all insured.

Make a call via the details on the card - ask to meet and get it sorted or claim against him.

Hope things work out but at least you walked away - which is always a bonus.
Dan, Police are aware as insurance has decided its a cause of intentional damage to my vehicle and the Police also take this line

Suspicions were noticed by myself as said when quoting regestration number (it's like it popped something up)

In any case, I have a Nationwide looking at the car during the week and it's also going to the company that did the paintwork on my car not so long back - it was spot on and couldn't fault it (have used before)

I think whatever happens here, unless something amazing pops up whilst this is being dealt with the car will get repaired and it needs a wet/dry as its got waaaaaaaaaaay too much laquer on the car down the sides (180 instead of 80-90 on the bonnet and roof) clearly had some work in the past

I drove a Q plate Escosrt RS Turbo in the padt for almost 4 years and it didn;t bother me one tiny little bit!!

My shoulder kept me awake for some of the night and killed this morning (this has obviously been dragged up from a whiplash I had in 1998!!)
Monogram Typhoon 180 - 62k and in need of rear end repair
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