Thread: new180
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Old 21-07-07, 02:21 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
just got back from the garage so this is what i found...

1. stone chip in the windscreen this can these be replaced but is there plenty of stock of windscreens????

2. stone chips or bubbling on both rear wide arches where they meet the door pannel they said they will rub down and respray for me but do you think this is hiding something else? my 05 reg has no marks there has anyone else had this problem....

3. it looks like the air filter has been played with the rubber joining tube looks very old and discoloured as if its come from a different car as the rest of the engiene is spotless there is also rust on the black metal cradel that holds the battery in place will come out and rubdown and spay ok but is this a common problem with the 180 or is there some thing else going on..

4. on the +side it has a sunroof as well as climate controle, has a 6 disk changer in the boot, has the black monogram inserts instead of the gray ones.

so it looks like a good car am i just being picky or should i be worried...
it does drive very nice and could tell the differance between a 180 and a 120 now. so what do you think £7300 seems a bit high any advice would be great..
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