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Old 25-12-17, 09:03 PM   #335
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 28
dakta is on a distinguished road
We've had a vnt control box running for the last (3?) years, and we've got the highest figures for a vnt l-series yet - I wouldn't call it getting on a soapbox, i'd personally phrase it more as 'clarifying our position, and reminding people of the difficulties you can face when you genuinely are innovating, as oppose to copy and pasting' - which is exactly what it is a lot of the time. Which I don't mind until they start playing judge when other people have other things to get on with.

We can look at it another way - I'm still building petes, and we've more or less finished charles (I havent touched charles rig for years apart from the occasional chance to test petes controller on it), and I don't know anyone else wanting to fit one so thats the end of the list. Basically we're one project done, and one in progress. Yours was running, and for whatever reasons (im sure you have them ) you've decided it's best in the loft whilst you try other avenues or do something else etc etc etc. Fair enough not my project nor business except for one minor detail I want to highlight, and that's that we are fitting vnt turbos, we've not removed any and are not likely ever to.

And the reason i highlight this, and its not to your detriment whatsoever, but just to point out the fact that we're working in a uniderctional way, progress is slow, but its forward. I know of a few vnt projects that aren't vnt any more, I saw a vnt 'kit' do the rounds on facebook not all that long ago in fact, once upon a time i knew of a few vnt projects, but most are wastegated again.

I dont work fast for a hundred reasons, even when i get time and the resources to tackle projects its a compromise because my time is split over multiple roles, industries and even continents. But one thing I've absolute confidence in, are those that stuck by me and had the patience will not fit a wastegate turbo ever again. But once again I re-iterate, we're putting vnt's on cars. It's a big job, and it's a nightmare. But with my 45 prototype, and charles production - the results were good, and the production one is staying as tuned. The prototype got dismantled as it literally was a non-road testbed, eventually to go on my zed. But it's bottom priority.

I do take some blame because when i offered these controllers what i really should have done was keep it to myself. Not to be selfish, but just because I was young, naive, had no idea at what life was going to throw at me and offering to do weeks of r+d, coding, nights of soldering and component assembly, months of having pcb's shipped to and from china etc might become a bit of an ask when things take a change and you end up on whats effectively a permanent day and night shift due to having split interests in different industries. I'd love to be better than human but unfortuantely and ive found out the hard way on a number of occasions when you've tried to get more than 24 hours out of a day for too many days in a row life just doesnt work out that way and things tend to go even more to **** than would be caused by slowing up and openly saying things are gunna take a long time. Anyway, I didn't come here to justify the delays, I'm open to pete about them and thats all what matters.

Whats not gunna speed anything up is judgement for the delays.

how many have the ability or know how or even ability to learn how to carry out complex tasks such as build a computer to control a turbo in a car which it was never intended to work in!
Honestly? I fear fewer than the number that claim to be professionals in this arena.

However, it can be done. I knew nothing about control theory when I started this task, I had only had half an hour of college time on developing embedded code, nor did i know anything about solenoids or what circuitry i needed to drive them.

What got me through to having a controller we could actually try was having an interest, and a bit of initiative, and a willingness to invest. Not everyones a coder, or electrical engineer but its surprisingly not out of peoples reach if they put their back into it. If i look onto my old hard drive at the time you'll find academic books (wasnt a student at the time but hey ho) just full of mind blowing math functions for different control methodologies and so forth, we invested our time and money into learning it so we could do it.

Nothings out of anyones reach to be honest, there's a lot of things I can't do but i insist on having a go just on principle of it, and it seems to be why we get a lot of opportunity to do interesting stuff

Last edited by dakta; 26-12-17 at 12:25 AM. Reason: consolidated it a bit
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